6 Ways I Motivate My Self In The Morning.

4 min readApr 19, 2021
Follow Me: https://www.instagram.com/iamarchtects/

Working from home has been a challenge for a lot of people. However for the vast majority of developers, designers, cyber security professionals and people involved in the IoT or IT industry for that matter found the transition MUCH easier.

Being an introverted Web developer I had little issue. In-fact I welcomed the idea that for the first time in my life I was being told to NOT go outside. Now as lockdown eases, some begin returning to the office.

Others like myself have been presented with the opportunity to continue working from home, whether that be full time or split between office and home.

Although I relished the idea of lockdown and the continuation of working from home, I soon realised that the work was beginning to get to me. I also found switching off during lunch or end of the day was even harder. I found myself working straight through lunch. Eventually the inevitable happened, I burned out and my motivation to work plummeted.

At first the idea of rolling out of bed at 8:59 and starting work at 9:00 was marvellous. Yet as the days rolled into months I found it harder and harder to get up, because I didn't want to.

1. I got up earlier.

I had to force myself at first to do it, there are still days where I have to, but its gotten easier. I, also, was suddenly presented with a lot more time before I did any work. It meant that suddenly my day was split.

I no longer felt my days were just eat, sleep, repeat. It ment I could do other things before work.

2. I started running.

I never liked the idea of running. I couldn't understand how anyone could possible enjoy it? Until I tried it.

Its quite literally daydreaming to burn calories. It also seemed to help with my anxiety and stress levels.

My wife noticed I’d been considerably less stressed recently, I’d put it down to me doing more enjoyable work. But I think running has really helped me out in more ways than id thought. Its also helped in motivating me to get out of bed in the mornings, I now have a goal. I have to do my 20 minute run this morning.

3. I try to read more.

Its so easy to start the morning routine with checking your phone. Instagram then reddit, then twitter. Oh ill quickly check how the crypto markets are doing and before you know it you’ve not eaten breakfast and you have to start work.

Now when I wake up I make sure I get out of bed FIRST. I don’t always do it successfully, admittedly, but I try to read an article or learn something new just for a few minutes while I'm making breakfast or using the “facilities”. In-fact after I got my new phone last year I didn't install any social media on it at all for quite some time.

4. I try not to eat at my desk.

This one I fail at quite often. I try to eat breakfast on the sofa with my wife Or with the cat.

I find if I start eating breakfast at my desk I’ll start working and the cycle of my day not being split up starts all over again.

The hardest part of this is my brain doesn't stop solving problems. It just doesn't want to shut down. Quite often I’ll just sit at the computer and start doing things without really realising I'm doing it, simply because my brain said so. I have to physically stop myself and eat elsewhere.

Its as if my hands are drawn to the keyboard once I sit at my desk.

5. I get dressed.

Everyone can talk about being mindful, and taking care of your self mentally and physically. But I found just the simple act of dressing up like I would for the office everyday helped tremendously in getting motivated for the morning work start.

It boosted my self esteem and confidence. Getting comfy in your pjs is great, but getting dressed properly gave me a serious boost and I felt like I was in working mode.

It also helped bridge that distinction between work and home, I could get comfy in the evening in my Pj’s and out of my work clothes.

6. Music and a power hour.

Finding music that worked well for me was a challenge. I don't have a specific genre of music I really enjoy. I have quite a broad taste.

I wanted something that was relaxing, so I tried jazz piano playlists & lo-fi hiphop. That relaxed me a little to much though.

I tried Kpop, EDM & house. While this have me the boost to work, I felt stressed out and couldn't listen to it for very long.

I Tried Indie rock, Rock, Metal and all I found there was Ijust started singing along to a lot of the songs I knew.

Eventually I stumbled across something called Chillstep. It did everything I was looking for, The relaxed sounds but with a beat to boost me.

Finally with the music I focus on getting a power hour in. Its impossible to stay motivated for the whole time you work. So I try to do a power hour in the mornings. No disruptions. No distractions. Nothing just me and an hour of code.




A self-taught developer, makes cool stuff with code and complains a lot. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/iamarchtects/